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Program & Replays

Compassionate Communication

Broadcast on April 13, 2021
With Maren Metke
Hosted by Lindsey Wise

In This Session:

  • Learn about the basic format tools and concepts of NVC/CC & how they can be applied to family life
  • Undertand why parents might want to prioritize practicing empathy, and ways to engage in this way
  • Receive insight & understanding into why you or the people in your life do the things they do, and how you might find more peace or hope around the reasons and motivations
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Maren Metke

Consultant, NLP & NVC Practitioner, Founder of Holistic Schools &NVCFamilyCamp

Maren Metke has her Master's level in the study of Neuro-Linguistics (NLP) through NLP Marin, which includes conventional NLP, Psychology, Neuro-Physiology, Quantum World-View, Systems Dynamics, and Metaphysics in a frame of “honoring what is while embracing what can be”. She has been practicing for almost a decade working with individuals, couples, and groups. She also has extensive immersive experience with Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication - with a colloquial bent), leading groups, training staff, building community, mediating, planning full retreats, classes, and programs, mentoring teachers, parents, youth, care providers, and more.

Maren is a co-founder of the Washington Nonviolent Communication Family Camp on Vashon Island and has been a core team member as well as the Youth Program coordinator since 2004. She also helped found other NVC family camps in CA, including the first east coast NVC family camp in DC, organizing the structure of the camps, implementing an immersive and family-oriented, multi-age community program, as well as training her staff of up to 12 practitioners annually. She has worked for multiple businesses, co-housings, and other communal groups, helping with structure, training, mediation, team building, and skill integration, as well as facilitating countless hours of individual, couples, family, and one on one sessions over the last two decades.

Maren has 20 years creating and running programs, educating, and supporting children, families, and practitioners in individuated, integrated, compassionate, holistic, learning style-focused, community-oriented environments, and communities. She also has 28 years of experience in attachment & holistic parenting of her two children ages 4 and 28.

Maren lives in N. California, consulting with communities and holistic schools nationally, working with individuals, couples families, schools and groups, NVC family camps, and she is a musician, performing mainly in Northern California, touring frequently with her band Honey of the Heart

Maren Metke