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Program & Replays

Family Yoga Practice

Broadcast on April 13, 2021
With Karma Kids Yoga

Join Shari Vilchez-Blatt, founder and creator of Karma Kids Yoga, and learn family-friendly yoga exercises. Participation by your entire family strongly encouraged!

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Karma Kids Yoga

Come Play Yoga!

Karma Kids Yoga encourages children to "play" yoga and experience how their breath and body move together in a fun-filled way!

The Karma Kids Yoga philosophy of teaching yoga to children provides kids with a variety of yoga tools that they can take away from yoga class and use throughout their lives. Animals, nature and other objects come alive in our classes; as we move, we learn to stretch our bodies in new creative ways. Through basic and challenging yoga poses, partner poses, group poses, yoga games, mindfulness activities, music and stories, we promote strength, flexibility, coordination, and body awareness. Breathing and visualization techniques teach focus, relaxation and self-control. The Karma Kids Yoga program also promotes inner-strength, confidence and self-esteem; a feeling of well-being and respect for others; and, love for one's self, inside and out.

Karma Kids Yoga